in today’s post, I’m going to tell you how I got started with python programming

I started my programming journey in the year 2020. Though I didn’t stared with python programming because I felt it will be difficult. I started coding with basic html, CSS and Javascript (beginner). As time went on, I decided to take a bold step to learn better programming rather than just a markup language. some one will say but Javascript is a programming language why don’t I opt for it? opps it is but as at then I also saw it synthax to be a bit difficult also. so guess what I did? I went online to search for powerful programming languages in our 21st century and guess what I saw? python was among the top hot cake programming languages so I had a second thought about it(I once had but I felt it was difficult so I don’t learn it as that time until ending of 2020). All I can do today was self taught, I never paid any one to teach me or pay for online courses. I downloaded python programming books and engaged myself for a period of three months, follow social media groups where posts are been made in regard to python programming. Then I stared giving myself tasks of building mini projects

. As of then my first task was a calculator which adds, subtracts, multiple and divide. Then a pizza shop sales management app that asks customers what they want to buy and after that, tells them the cost and then thanks them for their patronage. After that I started learning data analysis with the basics of python knowledge which I have. Today I build computer based software using the knowledge of python (Thikinter).

The pictures are above are samples of my projects.

This was how I started. It all about determination and avoidance of procrastination and boom you are there.

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